I was recently made aware by Ben Pollock, a member of my karate study group, that Sensei Kinichi Mashimo of Keio University has written a book detailing some of the karate studied at Keio. It’s in Japanese, but I’m going to translate it using Google Translate. Included are the kata Bassai [Sho], Gojushiho [Jo], Kanku [Sho] (Koshokun [Sho]), Gojushiho [Ge], Rohai, Niseshi, Wankan, Sochin, Sanchin, Chinto, Ji’in, Unsu, Hyaku-rei-hachi (Suparinpei), Seienchin, Tensho, Suji no Kon, Sakugawa no Kon, Sai, Kanku [Dai] (Kusanku [Dai] / Koshokun [Dai]), and Jion. It’s on order, and I’m very much looking forward to reading it.
The Funakoshi Okinawan Karate Kenpo Kenkyukai (Research Society & Study Group) is dedicated to studying and researching, in particular, Master Gichin Funakoshi's Okinawan Shorin-ryu karate kenpo teachings. For authoritativeness, Master Gichin Funakoshi's old Okinawan karate, his later developed karate, Master Gigo Funakoshi's karate, the developments of Shoto-kai, & every other karate kenpo lineage, are all considered.