Monday, 20 September 2021

Gichin Funakoshi Versus Multiple Opponents
Master Gichin Funakoshi practising / teaching applications (bunkai / kumite) of kata against multiple opponents. 

This rare photo is clearly from either the 1920s or, at the latest, the 1930s. It looks like an application to the common karate movement / position where one arm is held in a lower block (gedan barai / gedan uke) while the other is in a high inside-forearm block / outside block (jodan uchi ude uke / jodan soto uke), with other techniques to follow. The photo forms part of the rare film footage found in the late Master Kazumi Tabata’s belongings. Two parts of footage illustrate the old Keio karate kata from 1974, two years before Master Isao Obata, who features in the first part, passed away. I think this photograph reveals a lot about Master Funakoshi’s knowledge and ability regarding kumite and actual situations. This is exactly the sort of training necessary to prepare people for actual fighting. It is also further evidence that should make sceptics question their doubts over Master Funakoshi’s skills.