Saturday, 25 April 2020

Jitte no Sai

Funakoshi jitte applied to the sai. Master Funakoshi practised saijutsu, but it is not known what, if any, kata he knew. The term jitte also refers to a sai-type of weapon. It is a weapon that is used to defend against a sword and catch it. The sai is, as Master Funakoshi illustrated, also used for defending against, and catching, a bo. I believe you should know saijutsu as well, if you study bojutsu. I wouldn't say that jitte applies perfectly to the use of the sai. Probably the best kata to apply to weapons are passai [sho] (bojutsu), kusanku [sho] (bojutsu), wansu (bojutsu), and niseshi (saijutsu). Matsumura rohai works well with the sai, and Funakoshi sochin works nicely with the kama. Jitte has sections that work well with the bo and the sai, but also parts that can be applied like any karate kata, but which don't fit so effectively. 

1 comment:

  1. I find all the Kata presented in Karate-Do Kyohan work with a sai, Bo and Hanbo. in the 26 JKA Kata from 1950- to the early 2000's the Sai and Bo work with the various 26.T. Naka Sensei teaches a complete system. Five Body Postures and Offensive and Defensive waza for them in the japanase/Okinawa kenpo traditions.
