Funakoshi karate, as with all authentic karate, includes kobujutsu / kobudo. It is not known which kata Master Funakoshi knew, or if he taught any, but we know he taught techniques with the bo and the sai. He most likely knew some kata, but without solid evidence, it isn't a good idea to assume. One thing we do know is that in some of the empty-handed kata there are several techniques which are intended for defences against weapons as well as unarmed attacks, such as in kusanku [sho] and passai [sho]. That doesn't necessarily mean the entire form should be applied to bojutsu instead of empty-handed fighting. But it can be clearly seen that certain kata such as these can be applied to particular weapons with ease, while others simply have similarities to kobujutsu techniques because of the close relationship between Okinawan kobudo weapons such as the bo, sai, kama, tonfa (tuifa) and nunchaku, and Okinawan karate. Hence, this video shows an example of Funakoshi kusanku [sho] as a bojutsu kata, with further alterations based on the study of the example of Funakoshi kusanku [sho] presented in the 1933 text Karate Kenpo, by Mutsu Mizuho.