This precept, written by Master Gichin Funakoshi for his 20 precepts of karate, is greatly relevant now. Every time I leave my own gate at the moment, which has been no more than four or five times during the pandemic, I am concerned about coming into contact with the invisible enemy that is everywhere, lurking, waiting to get you. Usually I would go out and be aware and ready just in case. But now I go out as if I might be ambushed at any moment. And I can’t even use defence techniques. The method employed is to avoid fighting, in this case being to avoid other people and touching anything. Better yet, avoid going out altogether. Getting sick and dying isn’t a good way to go.
The Funakoshi Okinawan Karate Kenpo Kenkyukai (Research Society & Study Group) is dedicated to studying and researching, in particular, Master Gichin Funakoshi's Okinawan Shorin-ryu karate kenpo teachings. For authoritativeness, Master Gichin Funakoshi's old Okinawan karate, his later developed karate, Master Gigo Funakoshi's karate, the developments of Shoto-kai, & every other karate kenpo lineage, are all considered.