In my opinion, Funakoshi kobujutsu should be studied primarily through the techniques found in the open-handed kata which most definitely apply to this or that weapon, specifically the bo and sai. In addition, the techniques demonstrated by Master Funakoshi and his students should be studied. This is an illustration of Funakoshi wansu nu bo.
The Funakoshi Okinawan Karate Kenpo Kenkyukai (Research Society & Study Group) is dedicated to studying and researching, in particular, Master Gichin Funakoshi's Okinawan Shorin-ryu karate kenpo teachings. For authoritativeness, Master Gichin Funakoshi's old Okinawan karate, his later developed karate, Master Gigo Funakoshi's karate, the developments of Shoto-kai, & every other karate kenpo lineage, are all considered.