According to Master Funakoshi's descriptions, and compared with other experts such as some of his students, including Master Otsuka and Sensei Ohshima, and pupils of Master Egami's Shotokai karate, it may be more correct in Funakoshi karate, when performed comparably with Master Gichin Funakoshi's own practice, to execute the first technique, for instance, of the kata jitte, circling down slowly in kote-uke / osae-uke. However, techniques are often performed in a sharp manner in Okinawan kata, and some comparisons show this for jitte, such as Master Yuchoku Higa's version which may suggest that the way to perform the first movement is more like the alternative I have previously illustrated several times. Additionally, some of Master Funakoshi's older versions of kata, such as jion (and therefore likely ji'in) had different initial movements to those Master Funakoshi himself later published. Hence, it is possible that other kata had slightly varied movements in their older versions. However, in this case, the descriptions do point towards quite possibly actually always having been a kote-uke / osae-uke technique.
Mr Lorenzo Semeraro, a member of my karate study group, regularly discusses ideas with me, concerning Funakoshi karate in its original form. He brought this point into reconsideration, and I am grateful for his contributions.