I think everything in life is just about trying. You're born at some moment in the infinite history of the Universe, created by your parents and yet actually a product of an unbroken genetic line, and even further a product of the Creator, be it the Universe or, indeed, this or that deity. There are a thousand and one religions and philosophies, each with its own ideas on how best to live and behave and even about what happens after death. No one can profess to know the truth of the latter, nor the word of any deity. But you can open your eyes to see how to act in life. True moral behaviour should be obvious. There is right and wrong in life, plain and simple. Delusion plagues us all, as humans. We are all stuck in an existence filled with our own thoughts and feelings, wanting to advance our positions, feeling dissatisfied and wondering about the afterlife. These things can lead to depression, which has the potential to transport a person to a dark place from which they may not be able to finally escape, losing hope and the motivation to get up and try. As studied in the teachings of bu, whatever type of philosophically-based martial (bu) boxing you may study if you indeed do, our greatest and real battle is against ourselves. If we correct our own behaviour to be truly good, without simply conforming to what any belief system or culture might tell us is "correct", then we can truly advance as a species, globally, in real peace, seeing that every single person and life-form is equal, no matter the race / ethnicity, gender, religion / philosophy, culture, language, height, weight, sexuality, disability, or, indeed, species. Opening your eyes to the truth is all that is needed for peace and prosperity to truly and finally exist. As a species we have lived for about 3 million years. What will the next million comprise? You make your own future, no matter the difficulties thrown in your way by life and, as is often the case, by other people. We study Okinawan-Chinese boxing methods not to be fighters but to fight life. Think of the alternative. Is there one? In my opinion it's either do or give up, and giving up is not an option. What's the point of that? Just try, make something good, do something useful, create purpose. Intent and decisiveness are of absolute importance in the art of tī (the hands), as is benevolence. Keep high spirits even in the face of adversity, because what we know is that we are here now after having been given life by something we cannot pretend to understand. And that's okay because as cruel as life can be, and whatever orchestrates that cruelty, we are all in it together. Everything is infinite, time does not exist, change is constant; these fact can be accepted when we understand that whatever you believe, we are all in life and death, yin and yang, together. The Universe - the Creator - brought us to life at this or that time. We are strangely connected with certain people and events. The Universe has a plan. You just have to have faith. Blind faith, perhaps, but faith nonetheless.
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