Another illustration of the Okinawan-style of Funakoshi wansū (enpi) kata, lifting the left leg as it's retracted into a horse stance / naihanchi-dachi. This seems to be the way Master Funakoshi might have meant for it to be performed, based on his descriptions and Master Otsuka's demonstration. However, it could have been either way, I feel. To describe further, I'm referring to the point at which you are in a front stance executing a lower-level parry and intend to retreat back with your left leg to sit in a horse-riding stance at the same moment as opening the left hand and looking at it as it comes round to your diagonal left before lifting the right knee and striking the left palm with the right forearm followed by returning the right foot to the horse stance whilst retracting the right fist in a circular fashion to the right hip and lightly extending the left open hand in front of your chest. This is clear in the footage.