Saturday, 10 February 2018

A Study of Master Gichin Funakoshi's Ryukyu Kenpo Karate: Page 1: Photographs from the late-1800s and early-1900s

Dejan Djurdjevic suggested that this 1921 photograph also shows Master Gichin Funakoshi's principal teachers, Master Anko Asato and Master Anko Shishu (Yasutsune Itosu) in the top corners respectively. However, others suggest otherwise, so I won't say that this is certain. The picture does show some Okinawan students, some of whom are gripping bo and sai, along with Master Gichin Funakoshi.

A young Gichin Funakoshi in the late-1800s, apparently possibly with Master Itosu, but this is not certain.

Some say this photo shows Master Itosu in the early-1900s, while others disagree. Between Kinjo Hiroshi, Patrick McCarthy, Andreas Quast, and others as specified in their research, this is a photograph of Master Itosu.

This picture shows the same man as the photo above it, circled on the right. It must have been taken at around the same time. If it is Master Itosu, then it would be in the early-1900s, and then you might wonder who the man in the front row, fourth from the left, may be. He looks a bit like Master Kanryo Higaonna (Hijonna). It is in fact, based on Andreas Quast's publication, actually Matsushita Nobumoto. And this is indeed another photo of Master Itosu. 

 Master Kanryo Higaonna, front row, second from the right, seated with students including Chojun Miyagi and Juhatsu Kyoda standing behind.

 Master Kanryo Higaonna, front row, centre, seated with students including Chojun Miyagi and Juhatsu Kyoda.

This photo shows the first group of Master Funakoshi's black-sash holders. Isao Obata is seated in the front row, third from the left, while Hironori Otsuka is standing in the back row, second from the right. Master Funakoshi is seated in the middle row, third from the right, next to Kasuya Masahiro, Keio University professor, on his right. Seated on Master Funakoshi's left appears to possibly be Takeshi Shimoda. (I'm not sure that Shinken Gima is featured.)

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